Today’s Reading: Genesis 6:1-22, Romans 6: 1-7 Paul asks an age-old question, “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” Romans 6:1 (NIV). I am almost certain that Noah’s neighbours must have found out that God does not always deliver instant justice. Maybe they had this excuse that…
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Today’s reading: Genesis 4:1-26 Sin has entered the world and mans desires are all over the place. What used to be a perfect life, living the perfect mission has now turned into survival for the fittest. We can clearly see what happens when man is no longer in God’s presence. There are competing desires as…
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Today’s Reading: Genesis 3:1-24 Man was having the time of his life, busy naming animals, working the land, and getting to know each other. I would assume that the Serpent was known to them and that it was not strange to hear it talking. This triggers events that will have deadly consequences for all living…
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Today’s Reading: Genesis 2:4-25 One might wonder why there seems to be a second creation account from Genesis 2:4. I suggest to you that this was an attempt by the author to talk about some more important details, something that will set the stage for the new family that we are going to be introduced…
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Today’s Reading: Genesis 1:26-2:3 God has a love for mankind that many, myself included, will never fully understand. Our efforts to grasp how deep and wide it goes is way beyond our comprehension. God takes His time to create man and woman uniquely. He does three things; He creates them in His image and likeness.…
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