Day 3: Operation Leave and Cleave!

Today’s Reading: Genesis 2:4-25
One might wonder why there seems to be a second creation account from Genesis 2:4. I suggest to you that this was an attempt by the author to talk about some more important details, something that will set the stage for the new family that we are going to be introduced to.
We see God intentionally preparing a place before Adam and Eve even arrived. God then puts Adam to work the ground and for the first time, we see God saying it is not good. God creates Eve and completes His mission by providing a helper for Adam.
God has designed marriage in such a way that there has to be a separation between the couple and their family. This is for their good so that they experience growth and create a unique family unit.
There could also be situations that require us to ‘leave’ and ‘cleave’ our comfort zones and do what God is calling us to do. Take some time and ponder about this. Do you find that you are succeeding in heeding His instructions, or are you finding it difficult? Is there anything that brings you shame? How can you turn the situation around?
As you go on with your day, ask God to bring to light anything that needs attention and ask Him to help you to be willing to start again, and have new beginnings in Him.