Day 4: The Fallout

Today’s Reading: Genesis 3:1-24
Man was having the time of his life, busy naming animals, working the land, and getting to know each other. I would assume that the Serpent was known to them and that it was not strange to hear it talking. This triggers events that will have deadly consequences for all living things. One can assume that probably, God did not intend for man to have a life cycle of birth and death but one of everlasting life. The issue of sin comes in and causes separation between God and Man and man is immediaely aware of how exposed he is and goes into hiding.
When we sin, what usually follows is the feeling of guilt, shame, and sometimes embarrassment. In Adam and Eve’s case, the solution they chose was to hide and cover themselves, and no, it was not because they had committed a sexual sin as some would allege, but simply put, they had disobeyed God and immediately felt exposed.
We do have a way to deal with sin issues, don’t we? For example, we can clothe ourselves with Christ (Romans 13:14) and decide not to gratify the desires of the flesh. Sometimes this is not as easy as it seems, but we have to have faith and be hopeful that God will help us be the worshippers He desires.
Have you encountered an issue that made you feel separated from God? How did you/will you deal with it? Post your comments below.