Day 6: What shall we say then?

Today’s Reading: Genesis 6:1-22, Romans 6: 1-7
Paul asks an age-old question, “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” Romans 6:1 (NIV). I am almost certain that Noah’s neighbours must have found out that God does not always deliver instant justice. Maybe they had this excuse that Cain killed his brother, but God still allowed him to live. We read in Genesis 6:5, “…every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” I do wonder why this was so. And before we blame sons of God or Nephillims, we cannot explain why Noah and his family were righteous in the midst of everything else that was wicked.
This tells us that righteousness or wickedness is not something forced on man’s heart. One has to make a conscious decision for either one or the other. I believe that it was possible for someone else aside from Noah, to also be righteous. But as human beings, our greatest gift is also our biggest problem and that is the free will given to us by God. Just like a child tries to test the boundaries of their parent’s anger, so do we as grownups and we tend to push the envelope where there is no visible consequences to our sins.
What do you think are the merits of free will, and do you think it is creating a bigger window for sin? Post your comments below.
I believe that our motivation for righteousness should not come through hardships but through a logical decision to allow God to teach us His ways. We cannot be righteous in our strength, but because of God’s grace, we can desire to do good and obey God even when no one is watching us!