Day 9: The Tower of Balel

Today’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9
Today, we come to the end of four major themes in Genesis 1-11, which are Creation, The Fall, The Flood, and Nations. As the people advanced sociologically and in numbers, they set out to do something that looked good from a technological advancement point of view but something that God did not like. Was God feeling threatened by the people’s unity? Could they build a tower that would reach the heavens? Why is this a problem for God?
From the verses we have read, the end of verse 4 gives us a clue. They wanted to make a name for themselves. You can see that the focus for the people is drifting more away from the garden experience with God and towards self. Being selfish and proud as a foundation for doing something is risky, especially if done in unity. This type of tower, the ziggurat, was built so that people could reach up towards the gods and provide for their needs. I would argue that as long as something is not done with the worship of God in mind, there will be potential to overlook other peoples’ rights and justice and focus on accomplishing the collective task. The issue, I think, is not in building a high tower, but by building it, they would be going ‘higher’ away from God than going nearer Him.
Sometimes, we can do things out of ignorance. Sometimes, we will do it because others are doing it and somehow convincing ourselves that the numbers will authenticate the activity. Are there things you have done in pursuit of God that were totally outside His will? What of things done because others were doing it, and you convinced yourself it was the right thing to do? Could you share your experiences in the chat below?
As worshipers of God, our plan should be to find a way to worship Him as He pleases rather than offering worship that pleases us.