Category: Bible Study

Reaching the World through Music.

Various Questions from The Bible

Old Testament: Gen. 25:27-34, Heb. 12:15-17 Gen. 27:30-40 Ex. 2:23-25, Gen. 30:22-23, 1 Sam. 1:19-20 New Testament: Matt. 5:48 MSG: perfect = living generously and graciously towards others, the way God lives towards us! According to the Amplified Bible (classic edition), being perfect = growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper…
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Readings: 1 Chronicles 28, 1 Chronicles 29:1-20, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Deuteronomy 8:18 Definitions 1. What is stewardship? conducting, supervising, or managing of something, especially the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. 2. Stewards are those who see themselves as accountable for what God has entrusted to them. 3. Financial stewardship is just a portion of what God entrusts to…
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Shown Grace, To Show Grace

Galatians 6:2 – “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”Romans 15:1 – “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” ⁃ Many at times in our dealing with other people, especially those who belong to the household of faith, we…
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Praising God in the storm

How did they do it?  In our Bible study, we take a look at some of the characters in the Bible,  Jesus, Joseph, David and Apostle Paul to try and understand how they sailed through. Here are some notes from our Bible study fellowship. Joseph. Genesis 39:19-23. Joseph had the following endearing attributes; -Fear of…
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Are the Old Testament laws applicable to the present-day Christian or everyone for that matter?

How do the OT laws apply to NT Christians? a study on Acts 15,and Col 2:16- The Law is divided into two components. The Law of God: Exodus 20, Romans 7, Paul talks about the Law of GodThe Law of Moses: John 7(circumcision and Sabbath day), Exodus 21,22, and 23 The law of God is…
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The Tremendous Power Of The Words You Use.

We look at many passages in scripture (there are many), but the main ones are James 3:1-12Mat 12:34-37 The average person speaks at least 7,000 words a day and for women 20,000.  Think about it, the words that you speak each day are your imprint on the world and your life as well. Our words…
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The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

BIBLE STUDY – 19/03/2022 Who is the Holy Spirit? John 14:15-27, 16:5-16 AMP Third Person in the Trinity (triune God). Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and standby).Advocate = a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy. As Advocate, the Holy Spirit came to support the cause of Jesus Christ in that the…
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