Day 2: The Apple of God’s Eye

Reaching the World through Music.

Day 2: The Apple of God’s Eye

Today’s Reading: Genesis 1:26-2:3

God has a love for mankind that many, myself included, will never fully understand. Our efforts to grasp how deep and wide it goes is way beyond our comprehension. God takes His time to create man and woman uniquely. He does three things;

He creates them in His image and likeness.

He breathes life into them.

He makes them rulers over His creation.

At last, God rests. In Genesis 2:2, He approves of what He has created. Depending on where you are reading this, you may have a different view of the world and probably struggle to see any good in it. But, In your observation, what do you think has gone wrong in the World? Is there anything even in your life that has gone wrong that desperately needs God’s intervention? Comment below where you can.

Climate change has been quite a thing in the recent past, and there are extremities on both ends. The good thing is that man is seeing how their actions can hurt the earth. We cannot create something from nothing, but God has given us the raw materials we need so we can lead better and more comfortable lives.

As we conclude, think about what these things mean to you: You are created in God’s image and likeness, God’s breath is within you, God has given each one some responsibilities, and lastly, REST.

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